Valerie: Dear Mr. Salza, I'm so surprised that you responded to my e-mail!!! Thanks, and I look forward to dialoguing with you as well. Sorry for being so, ummmm, direct. My interest in what Catholics believe has been greatly heightened recently for numerous reasons. One is that so many of my … [Read more...]
A quick retort to a defender of sola Scriptura
Eric: John, stop and think for a moment, are Roman Catholics Christians? They are if they have trusted in Jesus alone for the forgiveness of their sins, and had a born again experience. However, if they believe that the are saved by God's grace and their works, then they are not saved -- even if … [Read more...]
Does “it is written” prove sola Scriptura?
Allan: John, When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist, in the river of Jordan, and then anointed for His ministry, with "the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and lighting upon Him, (Matt. 3:16), then He was led by the spirit into the wilderness, "to be tempted of the devil." (Matt. 4:1). Not … [Read more...]
A Short Dialogue on Sola Scriptura
Wayne: Well, it seems that you have a lot of questions for me John. Since I am just a person who reads on my own under the instruction of the Holy Spirit, and haven't been taught by a specific church type or school, it takes me time and effort to answer in a way that is acceptable to you. However I … [Read more...]