Matt. 10:38 - Jesus said, "he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me." Jesus defines discipleship as one's willingness to suffer with Him. Being a disciple of Jesus not only means having faith in Him, but offering our sufferings to the Father as He did. Matt. 16:24; Mark … [Read more...]
Sunday Worship
Scripture Isaiah 1:13 - God begins to reveal His displeasure with the Sabbath. Matt. 28:1; Mark 16:2,9; John 20:1,19- the Gospel writers purposely reveal Jesus' resurrection and appearances were on Sunday. This is because Sunday had now become the most important day in the life of the … [Read more...]
Images and Statues, Relics & Holy Water
I. Images and Statues Deut. 4:15 - from this verse, Protestants say that since we saw "no form" of the Lord, we should not make graven images of Him. Deut. 4:16 - of course, in early history Israel was forbidden to make images of God because God didn't yet reveal himself visibly "in the form of … [Read more...]
Many people believe that “usury” is the practice of charging interest on a loan. Because the Catholic Church has condemned usury and now supposedly permits and benefits from this practice, anti-Catholics argue that the Church has contradicted her own teaching. If the Church has contradicted her own … [Read more...]
What is “speaking in tongues?” The Scriptures teach that speaking in tongues is a gift of the Holy Spirit which allows someone to speak in a foreign language that one does not actually know (in Greek, xenolalia). The Scriptures also indicate that the gift of tongues could mean making ecstatic … [Read more...]
Characteristics and Duties The word “angel” (in Hebrew (singular/plural), malak/malakim; in Greek, aggelos/aggelois) means “messenger” or one who is deputed.” Angels are pure spiritual and immortal beings created by God “in the beginning” (Gen. 1:1), who glorify God without ceasing (Rev. 4:8) and … [Read more...]